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Your Guides & Hosts

Kyle is a member of Attawapiskat First Nation and is born and raised in Moosonee. Kyle loves guiding, hunting and fishing, and is passionate about sharing the outdoor beauty and cultural richness of the James Bay Region. His trademark Cree tour is the combination of unique James Bay Adventures with the depth of its people, as you are welcomed into our community through feasting, stories and sharing ancient Cree wisdom of the season of  your tour and the land and water you traverse. Kyle has been trekking all his life, first being kept safe by and learning from his elders, and then keeping others safe as a Canadian Forces Ranger and Guide, and now, keeping you safe on your bucket list trek to the tip of the artic ocean.


Kyle is himself quite the adventurer, and will be taking a personal 10 day snow-shoeing expedition retracing the steps of his grandmother, who snowshoed and dog-sledded from Waskaganish to Moosonee to start her new life. He will be accepting guests on this unique adventure, a self-sustaining trek complete with making water, ice-fishing and using fire to warm you and your clothes when it gets too cold. Begins March 25, 2025 in Moosonee. Limited spaces available.

Kyle Linklater-Wong

Kyle Linklater-Wong. One of your guides

Paige Linklater-Wong is a member of Attawapiskat First Nation, she grew up in Moosonee, Ontario, and now resides in North Bay. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Nipissing University, majoring in Native studies and minoring in fine arts. Paige is a land artist and a recipient of the Emerging Laureate for the Indigenous Artists award from Ontario Arts Council. Paige also wrote short stories about relationships with the land and has been recognized by the James Bartleman Indigenous Youth Creative Writing Award, the Ken Stange Memorial Writing Awards and Nipissing University's "Living in the North" short story competition. She also received a Masters of Environmental Studies at Nipissing University in 2022. Paige is also a proud mother of two children.

Paige Linklater-Wong
Client Services

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Napoleon is from Long-Lac Ontario. He was raised on the land living a traditional lifestyle of hunting, fishing and trapping. His early life was spent on the trap line, where he became an expert in pursuing game for their meat and fur. His wealth of knowledge and experience is on display every time he is out and about whether it is in a canoe or on his snowshoes. His parents were expert hunters and trappers, and his father guided many Moose hunts in
Northwest Ontario, and passed that experience on to Napoleon.

Napoleon has great respect for the land and water. That respect and his lifelong education of being a student of the land give him a unique perspective and personality as someone who is passionate about sharing those experiences.

Napoleon Goulet

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